Friday, December 29, 2006
The Drug Guy
Units 2 and 5 in our little 5 unit rowhouse across the street are in full 24/7 swing with selling drugs again and the police have made at least two big arrests there (one for each unit) in the last week. The last one had at least six police cars and they had to taser the guy 3 times he was so high on crack. I, myself am back to yelling and swearing at those who dare to park by our property line to go in and buy drugs over there. Its just like the old days. Geez, we shut down three crackhouses on this street in the last two years and for six whole months it was lovely and quiet.
Today though I think I might have gone at bit to far, as I ususally do. The local big drug dealer (in his own mind) was doing business at one of the units and the landlord showed up so I told him that the guy was in there dealing and the landlord went in and kicked him out. Well big drug guy saw me watch him go in so of course he knew who told the landlord he was there and as he was walking off up the street he stopped, turned around and looked back at my house, up at my window (where of course I was standing, looking) and he nodded up at me. Shiver. Oh well, Now I guess the death threats start again. Been there, done that. Although with this new crew being more physical and less afraid (maybe they're on some sort of new drugs) I think I'll start walking the dogs armed again and with my cell phone.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Living for Las Vegas
Things have been really stressful lately and I've had a lot of imaginary conversations with myself cos I haven't had time to come here and write so I figured it was about time to get here LOL. I take care of my common-law hubby who's disabled from a stroke 4 yrs ago (he's 51). Also lately my sister who lives downstairs (we're in an up/down duplex) has needed some care as she shattered her wrist in a fall, turns out she has osteoporosis. Now that she's recovered enough to take care of herself my hubby's son has had a terrible eye injury involving a roman candle. So now he's living back home (took me 4 yrs to get him out) for now while we deal with his injury and how to put his life back together. I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I'm just really tired.
I've just recently, you probly know from my blog entries, turned 50 and am having some slight, LOL, problems with that so this latest round of stress isn't helping much. But a bright light, in February my oldest sister and I are going to Las Vegas. I told my hubby that I don't care who is ill or going to become ill. I AM GOING TO LAS VEGAS. So that's what keeps me going. But its also occurred to me that once the trip has come what will keep me going after that? There won't always be a big trip coming up to save me from my stress. I need to find some more realistic goals? rewards? incentives? stress relievers? to keep myself going forward and keeping motivated because it doesn't seem like the stress is going to end anytime soon.
I guess I'm just in a blue mood tonite. I've hidden away in my little craft/computer room. The one that used to be my step-son's bedroom and has been lovingly converted into MY room. I'm afraid that due to his injury and being off work someone may suggest that it be converted back. I really don't want to spend my life taking care of 2 disabled men. It's pretty hard at times managing one. So anyone out there in cyberspace with any thoughts or suggestions feel free to weigh in one the subject. I'm for running away and changing my name. But that's just tonite. I'm sure things will look brighter in Las Vegas.
I've just recently, you probly know from my blog entries, turned 50 and am having some slight, LOL, problems with that so this latest round of stress isn't helping much. But a bright light, in February my oldest sister and I are going to Las Vegas. I told my hubby that I don't care who is ill or going to become ill. I AM GOING TO LAS VEGAS. So that's what keeps me going. But its also occurred to me that once the trip has come what will keep me going after that? There won't always be a big trip coming up to save me from my stress. I need to find some more realistic goals? rewards? incentives? stress relievers? to keep myself going forward and keeping motivated because it doesn't seem like the stress is going to end anytime soon.
I guess I'm just in a blue mood tonite. I've hidden away in my little craft/computer room. The one that used to be my step-son's bedroom and has been lovingly converted into MY room. I'm afraid that due to his injury and being off work someone may suggest that it be converted back. I really don't want to spend my life taking care of 2 disabled men. It's pretty hard at times managing one. So anyone out there in cyberspace with any thoughts or suggestions feel free to weigh in one the subject. I'm for running away and changing my name. But that's just tonite. I'm sure things will look brighter in Las Vegas.
Monday, October 23, 2006
50 Years, 23 Days...but not counting
As I'm now of that age I believe my mind is now going. Along with the slackening the face and body my mind seems to have be permanently fogged. Can the mind sag? Hmmm. I left for grocery shopping this morning, telling my husband I'd be back shortly, without my list, I thought momentarily about going back for it but since it only contained two or three items I decided it would be silly to go back. I only needed milk, dog cookies and fruit. On my way to the grocery store I noticed gas had gone down two more cents so I stopped to put twenty bucks worth in. Next to the gas station was a linen store. I had been thinking recently about either getting a new bed or getting some sort of soft topper. In our bed lately it seemed like I could feel every coil and my sleep just had been deteriorating. I'm sure it all had to do with my mental attitude about turning 50 and that there's probably nothing wrong with our bed, just my imaginary aches and pains but I went into the store anyway. Forty-five minutes later I came out of the linen store with a $200 down and feather bed topper. For my old aching body and for my husbands sake. Yeah. I got back on the road but was distracted again by a veterinarian's office because I remembered that I had forgotten to renew one of the dog's medicines so I pulled into the nearest parking lot and made a call to our vet to get them to renew the prescription and then headed over to pick it up. There was the usual long wait once I got there, so much for calling ahead, and after another half an hour I was back on the road again.
By this time I was way across town from the grocer that I had started out going to so I headed for the nearest mega-mall that I knew had a grocery in it. My cell phone rang at this point and it was my husband asking me where I was. I replied that I was grocery shopping or very near to it and he pointed out that I'd already been gone for nearly two hours. Not to worry I said, I just pop into the store, pick up what I need and be home shortly. Mega-mall, wonderful term, tons of stores, tons of sales, tons of distractions. For some reason I'm not sure of I bought myself a red evening gown. Floor length, one shouldered with silvered beads sewn on. I have nowhere to wear it but it was on sale. I guess I can wear it picking up dog poop in the yard, maybe with the designer jacket my sister talked me into a few months ago which was also on sale. Anyway, it was nearly an hour later that I entered the grocery store. I got a great price on some steaks, a bargain on a case of pop, a giant tub of margarine and a shopping cart full of various and other sundry items. Of course I'm sure you've guessed already I did not get milk, dog cookies or fruit. I did spend four hours away from home and approximately $350, I think. I'm not really sure because I've already lost most of the receipts and I don't have time to look right now cos I have to run out to the nearest convenience store to get milk for tomorrow mornings coffee (ah, maybe I can wear that red evening gown). Oh, and dog cookies and fruit if they have it. Can the mind sag? I dunno but I'm sure tired today from trying to hold it up.
By this time I was way across town from the grocer that I had started out going to so I headed for the nearest mega-mall that I knew had a grocery in it. My cell phone rang at this point and it was my husband asking me where I was. I replied that I was grocery shopping or very near to it and he pointed out that I'd already been gone for nearly two hours. Not to worry I said, I just pop into the store, pick up what I need and be home shortly. Mega-mall, wonderful term, tons of stores, tons of sales, tons of distractions. For some reason I'm not sure of I bought myself a red evening gown. Floor length, one shouldered with silvered beads sewn on. I have nowhere to wear it but it was on sale. I guess I can wear it picking up dog poop in the yard, maybe with the designer jacket my sister talked me into a few months ago which was also on sale. Anyway, it was nearly an hour later that I entered the grocery store. I got a great price on some steaks, a bargain on a case of pop, a giant tub of margarine and a shopping cart full of various and other sundry items. Of course I'm sure you've guessed already I did not get milk, dog cookies or fruit. I did spend four hours away from home and approximately $350, I think. I'm not really sure because I've already lost most of the receipts and I don't have time to look right now cos I have to run out to the nearest convenience store to get milk for tomorrow mornings coffee (ah, maybe I can wear that red evening gown). Oh, and dog cookies and fruit if they have it. Can the mind sag? I dunno but I'm sure tired today from trying to hold it up.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Well 50 Did Happen

and you know what? It was just as awful as I thought it would be. In anticipation of the big event I've lost 70 pounds, because I'm not going to be FAT AND 50, and that in turn has actually lowered my sugar levels to the point that I no longer take medication for my Type 2 Diabetes. So thats actually good. But...with the weight off of my face my cheeks seem to have become covered in tiny wrinkles. As a matter of fact, just before my birthday I was asked in a store if I was eligable for the senior's discount. I was afraid to ask if they thought I was 55 or 65. So now I'm slimmer but with a wrinkled face which also seems to have sagged. Along with everything else. Apparently the only thing ever keeping everything in place was my fat. So I've made an appointment with a dermatologist to try out their "photo rejuvenation" laser thingy. It costs a lot of money but is cheaper than a face lift. I can only afford the face itself and not my neck so if it works well on my face I'll just go with wearing turtlenecks until I can save up enough to get my neck done.
Also, for my birthday which I have been desperately trying to avoid, my father decided to pay me a three day visit. Now I love my father and I'm glad that at 80 he's in good enough health to make the trip across the country from Ontario to British Columbia, but one of the reasons I live in BC is because I love my father and I can't move any farther west without actually leaving the country. We have a great long distance relationship. He has always known how to push all of my buttons and hold them so its better for both of us that there are a few Provinces between us. He seems to forget that most times we tend to disagree and told me that he'd be spending very little time at the hotel, just nights, so that he could spend alllll dayyy long with me. The three days lasted a year it seemed but we did get through it. I really do love him and gave him a big kiss goodbye.
So this is 50 huh. I feel like I look it but I really still feel 49. I know, I know, its only a number but I just don't understand why this happened to me?!!
Also, for my birthday which I have been desperately trying to avoid, my father decided to pay me a three day visit. Now I love my father and I'm glad that at 80 he's in good enough health to make the trip across the country from Ontario to British Columbia, but one of the reasons I live in BC is because I love my father and I can't move any farther west without actually leaving the country. We have a great long distance relationship. He has always known how to push all of my buttons and hold them so its better for both of us that there are a few Provinces between us. He seems to forget that most times we tend to disagree and told me that he'd be spending very little time at the hotel, just nights, so that he could spend alllll dayyy long with me. The three days lasted a year it seemed but we did get through it. I really do love him and gave him a big kiss goodbye.
So this is 50 huh. I feel like I look it but I really still feel 49. I know, I know, its only a number but I just don't understand why this happened to me?!!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
49 Never turning 50!!!
49 Never turning 50!!!
This was actually my first try at blogging and I guess it turned out to be just a statement and not anything else. So cheer's to me!!
This was actually my first try at blogging and I guess it turned out to be just a statement and not anything else. So cheer's to me!!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Terry Botha Died Today
Contests. Terry always entered contests on-line. I don't think she entered them just for something to do, she was to ill to work, and I don't think she entered them because she was to ill to do physical things, like going for walks or even climbing stairs. I think she entered contests as an affirmation of life, as a statement of hope and confidence that there would be a future, that there would be time for winning. She included a lot of us on her list of forwards so that we could enter too. She was one of my Roy's closest friends and only in her 40's. Roy always called her Munchkin because she was barely 4' 11".
Terry had been on a waiting list for a lung transplant. She had COPD. She and Gord had to move to Vancouver because you had to live close to the hospital in case you got "the call". They got the call at 1:30 am on July 30th and left for the hospital ten minutes later. They operated soon after and the operation went very well. Normally they take around 8 hours but Terry's was done in four and a half. Her husband Gord called early yesterday morning to tell us the good news, that she was in surgery and another call a few hours later let us know that things had gone well. A few hours after that however things weren't looking that well, fluid was building up in the new lung and at 6:00 am this morning, less than 24 hours after they'd gotten "the call" Terry passed away.
Contests and Terry. They went hand in hand. Most of us hate junk mail and we are no exception, Roy especially hates forwards from friends. But you know, every email we got from Terry, inviting us to join her in entering some unknown contest, never got deleted. We entered every one.
We love you and miss you Terry
Terry had been on a waiting list for a lung transplant. She had COPD. She and Gord had to move to Vancouver because you had to live close to the hospital in case you got "the call". They got the call at 1:30 am on July 30th and left for the hospital ten minutes later. They operated soon after and the operation went very well. Normally they take around 8 hours but Terry's was done in four and a half. Her husband Gord called early yesterday morning to tell us the good news, that she was in surgery and another call a few hours later let us know that things had gone well. A few hours after that however things weren't looking that well, fluid was building up in the new lung and at 6:00 am this morning, less than 24 hours after they'd gotten "the call" Terry passed away.
Contests and Terry. They went hand in hand. Most of us hate junk mail and we are no exception, Roy especially hates forwards from friends. But you know, every email we got from Terry, inviting us to join her in entering some unknown contest, never got deleted. We entered every one.
We love you and miss you Terry
Saturday, July 29, 2006
I'm a Blog Virgin

Give me a little bit of time to get the hang of this. Lord its hard for my greatly taxed brain to figure out all the little do's and don'ts of this stuff. Lol. Thought it was going to be soooo easy to just sign up to this thing and then write my little heart out immediately. Well first you gotta figure out what the heck you're doing I guess. So lets leave this as my first time, you know, where its not very satisfactory for either of you, (well maybe for him) and by the time I get back here I'm sure I'll have all the bells and whistles figure out. After all, I CanDo!!
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